How to make your husband happy ?

The most important thing to remember when making your spouse happy is that they want you to. They want the best for you. They want you to be happy. It’s not about winning or losing a contest. It’s about having fun with them, and showing them how much they mean to you.
So, if your husband is angry at you for something that isn’t your fault, for example, he may not know how to make his anger go away without feeling like he is cheating on you by doing so. But it doesn’t have to be like that. I promise that if you try hard enough and do the things outlined here, eventually, he will realize that what he wants from you is what makes him happy. Try this…
For starters, get rid of all of your stuff! This is simple enough as long as you are careful not to throw anything away in one fell swoop or throw anything out of the house without first giving it a chance to come back into his life and make him happy again. If there is something in particular which has been bothering him lately which has been preventing him from being able to relax with you at night (maybe he can’t sleep because of it), then give it a chance and see if it works for him!
Tell him that it won’t be easy but if he keeps trying hard enough and does the things listed below every day over a period of time then gradually he will learn how to make his “rage zone” smaller (or larger) every day depending on who knows better? If someone else knows better? If his spouse knows better? If his newborn baby knows better? If someone else who loves him more than himself knows better?
What I mean by this is when people say ‘the truth isn’t going to hurt anyone’ or ‘the truth will hurt no one but the person telling it’ then they aren’t telling the truth because there are plenty of truths which are going to hurt people and we do need some hits along the way! So no matter what anyone tells us we NEED some hits along the way! So just think about this….

Things that make your husband happy
First of all, let me say, if you are a little unsure or uncomfortable with the ideas presented in this article, do not be afraid to ask your husband for his opinion or advice. He may not agree with everything I write here or may even find it offensive. He is your husband and he is entitled to his own opinions on what makes him happy. If you aren’t comfortable asking your husband for his opinion on anything, then feel free to take the time to find out what he thinks about the things outlined in this article and then ask him if he agrees or disagrees with those points.
If he says that something doesn’t make him happy (or if it does, he isn’t telling you), then that means there is no way that thing could make him happy (or if it could but he isn’t telling you). If that is the case, then try one of these ideas instead.
1) Watching Netflix and chilling out – A couple of years ago I asked my husband if he wanted to watch Netflix with me. We both watched a few movies and some season 1 episodes of Orange Is The New Black at the same time. It was great!
2) Playing board games – My husband loves board games and has been playing quite a bit lately. He mixes up our favorite games such as Scrabble and Monopoly into our play sessions. It’s so much fun learning new words every day!
3) Outdoors – We love to go camping at least once every year–not only because my husband loves being outside but also because we are both very active campers. Last year we went camping together twice in one weekend (we can’t seem to keep it a secret).
4) Spending time together – My husband always enjoys spending time with me doing things like reading the newspaper together, watching TV shows together (especially those funny ones like Family Guy), cooking meals together or just hanging out at home doing nothing for an hour or two after dinner until we get ready for bed each night. We often have a long conversation during these long drives back home from parks when we talk about life in general–mostly about how much we love each other and how lucky we are to have this family united by our love for each other….and sometimes…just sometimes…we will share random thoughts about other stuff like politics, music, fashion etc.. In any case, it never feels like time when we

How can I make my husband happy
The best way to make your husband happy is to be yourself. If you’re madly in love with a man and wish he were yours, be madly in love with him and wish he was yours.
If you are simply one of many women who employ the “I’m lonely and I want someone to love me” strategy when they don’t have enough money or men to please, then you’re doing it wrong. You’ll never find true happiness if you’re too busy looking for Mr Right to enjoy life at its best.
If you have trouble making relationships work because of personality clashes, then there’s no reason why couples can’t have happy relationships. The key is not just getting along, but understanding each other’s personalities so that they complement one another. You can’t force someone into your life, but if you value them enough, they will come to feel that they belong in yours.

Husbands are the most important people in your life. We spend more time at home than we do at work, and that’s really saying something.
But sometimes, there’s a discrepancy between how much we love our husbands and how much they love us. And this is often because of different understandings of what “happiness” is.
If you want to make your husband happy, you have to know what it means to him to be happy. Of course, there’s no textbook or exhaustive list of things that people mean when they use the word “happy.”
A marriage is often stressful. The romance can fade. You must keep your husband’s spirit alive by taking time to express your love for him. This can be as simple as putting candles on the table when he comes home from work. Keeping the romance alive can make your husband feel loved and appreciated. If you can find a way to show your husband that you care for him, he’ll be happier, too.